
Showing posts from March, 2013

5 things

5 things I'm thankful for: Definitely My husband My family like my sister who always sticks by me My dogs who always find a way to make me laugh Chocolate that pretty much always can make me feel better Seamus who taught me no matter how small you can make a difference


We all make choices everyday. Like what I am gonna wear or do I eat breakfast? But those are not choices that define us or our life's. Everyday I make a choices to get up go to work even if I don't want to. What choices define us? If I choose to keep my mouth shut when I see injustice is it fair? Or is it right to look the other way when you see two parents doing drugs with children in the house because you don't wanna get involved? Or is it okay to let someone turn you in to a slave because they write your paycheck ? I don't know what's right or wrong anymore. I see so much injustice everywhere that I can't take it anymore. I hate when people they are good parents but you know they aren't. Are they just trying to convince themself they are by saying it out loud? I'm sick of lies, I'm sick of being used and then made into the bad guy. I'm sick of being told how to run my store and I'm sick of these stupid ass people accusations of being sexua...


Today I wondered if it wasn't my son who passed and it was my friend's  would I be able to sympathize with them? I honestly can answer that because I really do not know.