Fathers day. 2013
Dear Seamus,
Oh how I wish you could be here to be with your daddy and I on this special day. For I was you who made us parents. Your missed everyday and loved every moment. How I long to hear your laugh one day. So much has changed for daddy and I in the last few months. I hope our love and new found happiness brings you a brother or a sister that we can bring home. So that all the hugs and kisses you miss we can share with them. I hope god blesses daddy and I with another child soon because I am ready. I am truly ready. Please take care of Buddy dog for soon he well be joining you baby boy. He love hot cheetios and any kind of food really. Hug him and kiss him and let him know that we miss him too. Tell him we love him and baby, don't ever let him go. He is the best dog. You well finally get to meet him. Because I know he has been waiting to meet you. Mommy loves you Seamus, more then any words can ever express. I wish that things could have been different but this is what it is. Please help me fins the strength to accept that. I am learning to.
Love, Mommy
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