
I finally said one on many things that I have been thinking when it comes to her. Yeah you Lauren. I have been there for you when you needed me no matter what, even thought you haven't returned the favor when I needed you. When I needed her she was tweak out on meth. While her husband took care of their son that she didn't want. Everything that is happening to you, you have put in motion. Stop blaming other people for your problems. He may have brought the drugs in but you did them, he didn't make you. You made that choice! And you kept doing even after I asked what about your kids?! Take some damn responsibility for what you have done. You and him both! I am tried of you thinking that no one knows what you are dealing with. You are not the only one in this world going this. And stop dragging your parents down with you! Your gonna give those poor people a heart attack. Woman up and fix your life! Stop taking the pussy way out and putting things on Facebook. La


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