The days

I always find a piece of you somewhere in the day. Something that makes me think of you if I haven't already.

Today a coworker said," I don't know know how she was able to just come back to work after."  She was referring to someone who had, had a miscarriage recently, but you have to go back to work. You don have a choice. You still have to eat and pay bills. Life doesn't give us a choice if we want to stop living. I keep reading this quote, " you never know how strong you are until it's your only choice." Its so true. My thoughts are scattered in so many directions today. I keep thinking about our future. Mostly the future at work. Changes are in the wind and I just not sure where things well land. A door may open that would be good for us but it comes with so much. Plus I don't know if the would consider me because I don't necessarily have the experience. I think I getting ahead of myself because that door hasn't open and will have to wait and see if it even does. I'm not good at taking chances but the worst they could say Is your not way we are looking for. Right?!

" If it's meant to be, it well be."


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