Changes Again.....Ahhh

Well here we are again! Things were looking so bright just one short month ago and now...I just don't know. I get so frustrated with changes. I get so used to the way things are when they change and I have no control over I don't like it. Of course this is all about work. A new manager comes tomorrow but I haven't even gotten over the other one leaving! But wait it gets better my P.I.C.(partner in crime) quits today! Ahhhh...when can we catch a break?! I understand completely and I will support him because he is my friend, but this all just blows! Super bummed doesn't begin to describe how I feel. But I am still trying to be positive about meeting my new boss tomorrow  but it's tough!  Hopefully eatting my weight in bacon and pancakes with Rachel in the morning with ease my bummed outness! That is not even a word! Only 1 hour and 15 minutes until the next day starts! Ahhhhhh.....why?!


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