Blessed or Cursed

The loneliness is settling and unsettling all at the same time! I find myself thinking too much when I'm alone. When I lay down to sleep my mind goes every direction! I can't find a way to make it stop. The emptiness is loud. It screams for me and I always answer. I don't what I can do to make it go away. I try filling in with other things but nothing fills the space....Its deeper then I could have ever imagined! It owns me in every possible way.

There is only one way to numb the emptiness...

 It's only been a few days and the numbing factor already owns me! It has become a need, not just a want anymore. I happily welcome it, knowing that light, warm, careless feeling is soon to come. It feels like a drug that I have to have. The light and carefree feeling is what owns me now! I don't want to care. Because I care too much! I care about things that I can't even change.

Discovering this numbing effect is both a blessing and a curse at the same time.

But tonight which will it be...........


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