Finally My Time....Maybe

So today was was a big deal for me. Today I finally had my interview for assistant store manager. I have been waiting a year for this chance! I wouldn't say I have been stressed about it, more just nervous. I think it went okay but there is always the chance that someone they interviewed will be better then me. I can only hope that my work efforts have spoken for themselves!

Part of me feels excited, but part of me doesn't want to let myself take it that far just yet! I don't want to let myself get disappointed if I don't get it. I think I'm to the point that I can just accepted their decision whatever it may be and just move on from that moment. I have wasted to much time stressing over it in the past. I really did the best I could to sell myself to them. I feel confident that I have done everything within my power to get it!

I have to say how much love I felt getting  text
from my favorite people, telling me good luck and that I got this! It helped me to be confident going in there knowing that my friend and family had my back! Which is why I only told those people because I know they would have my back! Also I so appreciate my favorite friend coaching me on what and how I should say things. Your the bestest awesomest friend ever! 


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