3 Strikes Your OUT August!

Well August was truly a hard month to live through. All of the changes truly impacted my mood, but mostly it was the one that happened on the last day of the month. I guess we can start with the last bit of July. My so called 'hero' told me he was leaving. This would be strike 1! Then there we found out they decided to bring a new manager in to my work to replace him instead of promoting the one there. And that was when my dreams of being promoted went in the shitter! This we can say is strike 2! But the third strike that truly broke me, like truly was my favorite person quitting. And we have arrived at strike 3!

This really broke me,far more then he knows. I kept hearing, it's only a job Sara! No one actually realizes how much my job means to me though. At work I feel is the one place I can just shine. I know what to do and I know what needs to be done. But what it come down to is that this person made it more fun to my job. Then we became friend and had our own inside jokes! So him leaving, broke me after all the dissapointments that August brought!

And everyone asking if I'm okay the next day, just made all of it worse. But August is now gone! I can't imagine what September will bring but I hope its good.

August your out!!!


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